KnowTex-Knowledge based Textiles

   +92-333-8083-199   National Textile University

Work Package-4 Team

Transformation to Manmade Fibers Based Textiles

Sportswear is one of the major areas where Pakistan could contribute. Pakistan normally exports low quality sportswear in bulk which contains cotton as a chief fiber; while quality sportswear export is limited. Specialized yarn and the incorporation of novel knitting techniques in this sector along with novel finishes is the future which will quite possibly pay back in a short period of time. This WP focuses on the strengthening and improvement of Sportech industry and value addition of industry with following aims:

  1. Development of new textile products made from 100% manmade fibers; with special focus to sportswear.
  2. Value addition to knitted fashion apparels by incorporating manmade fibers to improve its performance & comfort.
  3. Value addition of developed knitted sportswear & fashion apparels through dyeing, printing & advanced finishing processes.

Introductory Video

Work Package-4 Industrial Partners

Industrial Members