KnowTex-Knowledge based Textiles

   +92-333-8083-199   National Textile University

Work Package-6 Team

Capacity Building Using Scientific Methods of Training (SMOT)

Employees with better skills will be more likely to have higher wages leading to improvement in production and their livelihood. Keeping in view the facts explained earlier in introduction section, there is a dire need to improve the capacity of human resource using the scientific methods of training (SMOT). The proposed aims of this WP are:

  1. Capacity building of individuals/organizations on internationally set quality patterns for textile and clothing industry to improve their productivity.
  2. Encourage textile and clothing industry to use modern management techniques for improving efficiency and reducing wastages.
  3. Contribute towards poverty reduction, social and economic developments of the country.

Introductory Video

Work Package-6 Industrial Partners

Industrial Members