KnowTex-Knowledge based Textiles

   +92-333-8083-199   National Textile University

Work Package-8 Team

Dissemination and Implementation

No consolidate information is available to local/international commercial buyers on capacity of Textile manufacturers of Pakistan.If a buyer wanted to purchase textile (specifically high end) products from Pakistan, it is very difficult to find the manufacturers. On the other hand, China and India has very good platform to search and purchase from their manufacturers. Secondly, the research projects are seldom converted to business due to lack of commercialization interest/capacity of researchers/institutes.This WP focuses on creating awareness, assure industrial scale implementation of project findings, development of e-portal and feasibility studies. The main aims are:

  1. Create awareness about knowledge-based textiles and about developments done in the project through seminars, workshops, news articles and webinars.
  2. Development of an online platform (E-Portal) for showcasing consolidated capacity of Pakistani Textile Industry.
  3. Development of feasibility studies on the knowledge-based textiles products in collaboration with SMEDA for existing business and startups.
  4. Preparation of recommendations to Govt and Industry for transformation to knowledge-based export industry.


KnowTex Website

Pakistan Textile Portal

Professional Courses and Trainings Website

Events and Social Media Coverage